JUNG Kangja
JUNG Kangja(1942-2017) is one of the representative female artists who addressed a turbulent historical era in Korea. She emerged in Korean art circles through the Korean Young Artists Association Exhibition in 1967. In the 1960s and the 70s, when the Korean military government and ideologies were in conflict, JUNG tried to make voices in society through various formative experiments as a member of 'New Exhibition Coterie' and 'The Fourth Group'. Introducing the real politics into the context of art by using an artist's body and performance was a challenge to the traditional ideas and a resistance on the social system. However, in 1970, the government started to impose more severe sanctions against all activities using the human body. After her solo exhibition in 1970, JUNG moved to Singapore with her family and spent time away from the Korean art scene for over 10 years. The artist's socially critical mind and subjective spirit in the 1960s were connected to formative experiments in the paintings she was devoted to after her return to Korea in 1981. JUNG's strong willpower became an impetus to allow her to overcome alienation, and a driving force to make her stand in front of the canvas despite the harsh struggle with cancer. JUNG's work over the last 15 years does a poignant job of displaying her interest in something concrete and realistic, something that had expanded into interest in human beings through abstract, transcendental forms. In short, she wanted to liberate herself through "imaginations that I stretch in my own way in an unlimited, free space that is bound to nothing."
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled, Unknown
Untitled 무제, Late 1990s
Untitled 무제, Late 1990s
Untitled 무제, Late 1990s
Untitled, ca. 1977-1980
Life II, 2016
Text of Semi-Circle, 2016
Untitled 무제, 2016
Dance of Skeleton, 2015
Don't Cry, 2015
I Want My Last Trip to the Moon 마지막 여행은 달에 가고 싶다, 2015
Invited to My Funeral. 71 Days since My Surgery, 2015
The Milky Way and Cancer Surgery, 2015
Woman Dancing in Rapid Tempo, 2015
Ballerina 발레리나, 2014
Dying Out, 2014
Floating in the Forest 숲 속을 부유하는 여인, 2014
Limited Life, 2014
Mother and Child, 2014
Arirang Becoming Constellation, 2013
Couple in the Jungle, 2013
Dance of the Sun Goddess , 2013
Janggu Dance, 2013
Untitled 무제, 2013
Buddhist Dance, 2012
Dance 12-4, 2012
Giwa and Dance, 2012
Homage to Pina Bausch, 2012
Sahara, 2012
Ballet 발레, 2011
Child Playing with Mother, 2011
Drawing for Buddhist Dance, 2011
The Sahara, 2011
Fan Dance, 2010
Floating in a Forest 숲 속을 부유하다, 2010
Jungle 정글, 2010
My First Love, Our Joyful Young Days, 2010
Woman Floating in a Forest 숲 속을 부유하는 여인, 2010
Canoe Festival 카누페스티벌, 2009
Hibiscus and Bird Catching Fish, 2009
Janggu Dance, 2009
Lovers in a Jungle 정글 속의 연인, 2009
Lovers in a Jungle 정글 속의 연인, 2009
Swimming 수영, 2009
Flamenco and Guitar Man 후라맹코와 기타치는 남자, 2008
Flamenco 후라맹고, 2008
Swan Lake 백조의 호수, 2008
Group 군상, 2007
Janus in a Jungle 정글 속의 야누스, 2007
Mother and Son, 2007
Mother and Son on a Pond 연못 위의 모자, 2007
Sound of Drums 북소리, 2007
Spin Dance, 2007
Untitled 무제, 2007
Vase with Roses and a Nude, 2007
Dance, 2006
Limited Life, 2006
The Lovers 연인, 2006
The Woman 여인, 2006
Untitled 무제, 2006
Mother and Child 엄마와 아이, 2005-2006
Floating in a Forest 숲 속을 부유하다, 2005
Hanbok 한복, 2005
Mother and Son Floating in a Mystic Forest, 2005
The Buddhist Dance, 2005
The Face 얼굴, 2005
Untitled, 2005
Untitled 무제, 2005
A Lonely Voyage, 2004
Born in a Forest, 2004
Hanbok 한복, 2004
Image of Hanbok 한복의 이미지, 2004
Lady Moon Crowned with a Laurel, 2004
Mother and Child, 2004
Mother and Child Playing on a Tree, 2004
Mother and Children, 2004
Mother and Children, 2004
Nap in the Forest 숲에서의 오수, 2004
The Tears, 2004
The Valley 계곡, 2004
Untitled, 2004
Untitled 무제, 2004
Untitled 무제, 2004
Untitled 무제, 2004
Untitled 무제, 2004
정글 속으로 떨어지는 야누스, 2004
Fruit Shop in Mexico 멕시코의 과일가게, 2003
Hanbok and Floating Janus, 2003
Janus Floating in a Forest 야누스 숲 속을 부유하다, 2003
Lady Moon Crowned with a Laurel 월계관을 쓴 달님, 2003
Mother and Son, 2003
Untitled, 2003
Untitled 무제, 2003
Untitled 무제, 2003
Untitled 무제, 2003
Untitled 무제, 2003
Untitled 무제, 2003
월계관을 쓴 여인, 2003
Untitled 무제, 2002
Kiss Me 키스미, 2001 (1967)
Buildings and Hanbok 빌딩과 한복, 2001
Hanbok, 2001
South Pacific 남태평양, 2001
Title Unknown, 2001
Untitled 무제, 2001
Untitled 무제, 2000s
Untitled 무제, 2000s
Untitled 무제, 2000s
Untitled 무제, 2000s
Untitled 무제, 2000s
Untitled 무제, 2000s
Limited Life 유한한 인생, 2000
Limited Road, 2000
Limited Road, 2000
Thoughts on Hanbok 한복에 대한 고찰, 2000
Untitled 무제, 2000
Untitled 무제, 2000
Mother and Children 엄마와 아이들, 200
From the Earth to the Moon 지구에서 달에로 이동, 1999
Untitled 무제, 1999
Untitled 무제, 1999
Untitled 무제, 1999
Untitled 무제, 1999
Untitled 무제, 1999
Untitled 무제, 1999
Hanbok 한복, 1998
Limited Road, 1998
Monument of Hanbok, 1998
Monument of Hanbok 한복의 모뉴먼트, 1998
Red Skirt 붉은 치마, 1998
Scenery of Hanbok and Nightscene 한복과 밤의 풍경, 1998
The Lovers 연인, 1998
Untitled 무제, 1998
Dancing Trees 춤추는 나무들, 1997
Dreaming of a Trip to Mars 화성에 가는 꿈꾸다, 1997
Hanbok and Janus, 1997
Hanbok in Space 우주 속의 한복, 1997
The Bird and a Woman 새와 여인, 1997
The Conversation with the Moon 달과의 대화, 1997
Untitled 무제, 1997
Untitled 무제, 1997
Untitled 무제, 1997
Untitled 무제, 1997
Untitled 무제, 1997
Untitled 무제, 1997
Untitled 무제, 1997
Untitled 무제, 1997
Untitled 무제, 1997
Untitled 무제, 1997
Woman 여인, 1997
아프리카 인상, 1997
화성에 가는 꿈을 꾸다, 1997
City Women 도시의 여인들, 1996
Self-Portrait, 1996
The Dreary View 삭막한 풍경, 1996
The Father 아버지 , 1996
The Universe Through Knitting 뜨개질로 우주를, 1995-1996
Desert Landscape 사막의 풍경, 1995
Even If the Earth Falls Tomorrow…, 1995
India, 1995
Rheumatism, 1995
Spider 거미, 1995
Homecoming, 1994
Polynesians in the SouthPacific 남태평양의 폴리네시안, 1994
South Pacific - Polynesian, 1994
The South Pacific Ocean, 1994
Untitled, 1993
Untitled, 1993
Self-Portrait, 1992
Untitled, 1992
Picking Flowers, 1991
Self Portrait with Dragon, 1991
The Dancing Polynesian (Samoa) 춤추는 폴리네시안 (사모아), 1991
Untitled 무제, 1991
Woman of "Tonga" with "Tapa Clothes", 1991
Flower and Two Women, 1990
Landscape with Dragon, 1990
Masai Dance at Kilimanjaro, 1990
Travel to AFRICA, 1990
Baobab Tree on Senegal, 1989
Côte d'Ivoire, 1989
The Sahara, 1989
The Tuareg Tribe Crossing a Desert (Niger), 1989
The Women in a Clothes Market (Gambia), 1989
Untitled, 1989
Wedding Party at Sudan 수단의 결혼파티, 1989
인도네시아 풍경, 1989
A Journey Far Away, 1988
Kilimanjaro and Safari, 1988
Ms. Gil's Wedding Party, 1988
Night Blooming Flower, 1988
The Female Shaman and a Boy, 1988
The Maasai and Kilimanjaro, 1988
Untitled, 1988
Haiti, Dancing People, 1987
Haiti, Festival of Fantasy 아이티 환상의 축제, 1987
Nude in Spotlight, 1987
Rose Festival 장미의 축제, 1986
Rebirth, 1985
Self-Portrait, 1984
Self-Portrait, 1983
A Chinese Woman, 1981
In Singapore, 1981
The Girl and a Cat, 1981
The Tree, 1981
Consecutive Faces 연속적인 얼굴, 1980
Untitled, 1980
Untitled 무제, 1980
Untitled 무제, 1980
Cola Bottles, 1979
Mrs. K 미세스 케이, 1979
The Room in Singapore 싱가포르의 방, 1979
Art Studio, 1977
Self-Portrait 자화상, 1975
Myeong-Dong, 1973
The October Yusin Rebellion, 1973
To Repress, 1968
Melancholy Self Portrait 우울한 자화상 , 1966
JUNG Kangja: It Has Always Been The Beginning
15 November - 30 December 2023 Seoul -
3 November 2023 - 6 January 2024 Shanghai -
25 May - 17 July 2021 Seoul -
Dancing Queen
19 May - 11 October 2020 Cheonan -
JUNG Kangja: I Want My Last Trip to the Moon
31 January - 6 May 2018 Seoul -
JUNG Kangja: I Want My Last Trip to the Moon
31 January - 6 May 2018 Cheonan
The Korea Herald: JUNG Kangja
Park Yuna, The Korea Herald, 2 January 2024 -
Munwha Magazine: JUNG Kangja
Hwang Myung Yeol, Munwha Magazine, 15 December 2023 -
Kookmin Ilbo: JUNG Kangja
Son Young Ok, Kookmin Ilbo, 5 December 2023 -
Economic Review: JUNG Kangja
Kim Yeon Jae, Economic Review, 2 December 2023 -
INTERIORS, 1 December 2023 -
YTN: JUNG Kangja
LEE Kyojoon, YTN, 26 November 2023 -
Hankyung: JUNG Kangja
SUNG Suyoung, Hankyung, 23 November 2023 -
Kyunghyang: JUNG Kangja
LEE Youngkyung, Kyunghyang, 23 November 2023 -
Donga Ilbo: JUNG Kangja
KIM Min, Donga Ilbo, 23 November 2023 -
Aju Korea Daily: JUNG Kangja
Jeon Seung Min, Aju Business, 22 November 2023 -
Maeil Business: JUNG Kangja
Kim Seul Gi, Maeil Business, 21 November 2023 -
Segye Ilbo: JUNG Kangja
Park Miran, Segye Ilbo, 18 November 2023 -
News1: JUNG Kangja
KIM Il Chang, News1, 16 November 2023 -
Yonhap News: JUNG Kangja
Hwang Hee Kyung, Yonhap News, 15 November 2023 -
Jayu Press: JUNG Kangja
Lim So Yool, Jayu Press, 15 November 2023 -
SayArt: JUNG Kangja
Nao Yim, SayArt, 15 November 2023 -
Newsis: JUNG Kangja
Park Hyun Joo, Newsis, 14 November 2023 -
The Korea Times: Jung Kangja
The Korea Times, 10 August 2023
[News] When three women come together, they break the world!
November, 2024November issue, Art in CultureRead more -
[News] The Struggles of Women Turned into Art… Breaking Taboos and Challenging Hierarchies
October 31, 2024Song Kyungeun, Maeil EconomyRead more -
[News] "Connecting Bodies - Asian Women Artists" Exhibition Explores 'Women, Body, Art' Through Asian Women Artists
September 3, 2024Kim Ilchang, News1Read more -
[News] 'Connecting Bodies: Asian Women Artists'…130 Works to be Exhibited at the Seoul Branch of MMCA
September 2, 2024Park Hyunjoo, NewsisRead more -
[News] "The Power of Art to Comfort Everyday Life," exhibition at Moran Museum of Art, "Sun Glitter of My Heart"
July 29, 2024Kim Hyowon, Sports SeoulRead more -
[News] Seoul Art Walk in May
Issue of May, 2024Bar&DiningRead more -
[News] Into the world of paintings, which is a little unfamiliar...The collection exhibition of Daegu Art Museum
April 8, 2024Ryu Sungmu, Yeonhap NewsRead more -
[News] Korean Art Goes Global
2024 issue of January/FebruaryMorning Calm MagazineRead more -
[News] Dream, Fantasy, and Challenge
Feb 15, 2024Ha Eun Sun, Korea TimesRead more -
[News] 'Only the Young: Experimental Art in Korea, 1960s-1970s'
Feb 14, 2024Jung Sook Hee, Korea TimesRead more -
[News] Avant-garde exhibit ‘Only the Young’ explores artistic rebellion of Korea’s youth
Feb 13, 2024Marina Suh, Daily BruinRead more -
[News] Radical approach: 'Experimental Art in Korea' exhibition arrives at UCLA's Hammer Museum
Feb 10, 2024WILL SAYRE & EL SEGUNDO, Spectrum News 1Read more -
[News] Hammer brings Korean art to Westwood with ‘Only the Young’
Feb 8, 2024Beverly PressRead more -
[News] SUNG Neungkyung, KIM Kulim...K-experimental art, this time to LA
Feb 5, 2024Seo Ji hye, Seoul Economic DailyRead more -
[News] Korea Experimental Art Exhibition to showcase works from the 60s and 70s at the Hammer Art Office in Los Angeles
Jan 12, 2024Kang Sung Chul, Yeonhap NewsRead more -
[News] Only the Young: Experimental Art in Korea, 1960s-1970s
Nov 1, 2023Monthly Art, Nov. 2023Read more -
[News] MAZE|Make the Ancient New: Masters’ Exhibition at Frieze Art Fair 2023 Continues
Oct 13, 2023Yen Wu, Maze ConsultingRead more -
Oct 12, 2023Lee Sharrock, FAD MagazineRead more -
[News] Women Artists Shine at Frieze Masters. Here Are 5 of Our Favorite Rediscoveries, From a Korean Avant-Garde Visionary to a British-Born Surrealist
Oct 12, 2023Jo Lawson-Tancred, ArtnetRead more -
[News] What not to miss during Frieze 2023
Oct 11, 2023Emily Steer, BAZAARRead more -
[News] Disruption and ‘Real Connection’ in this Autumn’s Displays of Women Artists
Oct 9, 2023Louisa Elderton, Frieze MagazineRead more -
[News] Sook-Kyung Lee's Top Picks from Frieze London and Masters Viewing Room 2023
Oct 9, 2023FRIEZERead more -
[News] Celebrating the Artistic Legacy of Jung Kangja: A Pioneer of Feminist Expression
Oct 7, 2023BlueYIM, SayArtRead more -
[News] Resurrection of JUNG Kangja...Arario Gallery Participates in 'Frieze Masters 2023'
Sep 22, 2023Park Hyun Joo, NewsisRead more -
[News] Korean Experimental Art in New York..."I didn't know. It's fresh". Good comments.
19 September 2023Park Hyun Ju, NewsisRead more -
[News] Arario Gallery Participates in International Art Fair Frieze Seoul and KIAF Seoul 2023 at the same time
17 August 2023Kim Jung Mo, Segye IlboRead more -
[Exhibition] Only the Young: Experimental Art in Korea, 1960s-1970s
26 May 2023JUNG Kangja's installation work < Kiss Me> (1967), archival photographs and video work of her performance and CHOI Byungso's video work < Unititled 9870000> (1978)...Read more -
[ FAIR ] ART SG 2023
3 January 2023Arario Gallery is pleased to announce its participation in ART SG 2023. With 12 artists, whose artworks derive from diverse cultures and societies, Arario Gallery...Read more -
[Exhibition] JUNG Kangja: The Poetic Collection
30 April 2022'Self-Portrait' by JUNG Kangja is currently on view at the collection exhibition, taking place at Seoul Museum of Art. “We were young, and believed that...Read more -
[Art Fair] KIAF Seoul 2021
8 October 2021Arario Gallery participates in Korea’s most important art fair KIAF Seoul 2021 at COEX from 13th October until 17th October 2021. Arario Gallery’s Booth presents...Read more -
[Publication] JUNG Kangja: Gallery of Women Artists
1 February 2021'Gallery of Women Artists' has been published in order to redefine the biased narrative of art history through the introduction of 15 Korean and international...Read more -
[Event] Arario Gallery Cheonan: International Women's Day
8 March 2018 Read more