[Exhibition] PARK Kiwon: apmap 2022 seoul

The installation work "Glacier" by PARK Kiwon, an artist who creates site-specific works that focus on the essence of materiality, is on view at the group exhibition "apmap 2002 Seoul - apmap review" at Amorepacific Museum of Art. The work attempts to recreate nature within the artificial setting of a museum through its materials, with each part representing the basic elements of nature, including light, stones, water, and ice. PARK dissolves the limitations of a museum both as a concept and as a space through his work while exploring the boundary between the articial and natural world.


PARK Kiwon 
apmap 2022 seoul - apmap review
Amorepacific Museum of Art 
2022. 9. 29 - 12. 18

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