[News] [Busan MoCA, Art Meeting Today] An Imperfect but Genuine Body

The Busan Museum of Contemporary Art's collection "Untitled" (2016) is LEE Dongwook's work that expands its scope from early human body work to the space where small humans live. All the world, including chains, beehives, pipes, and military figures aimed at guns, is plated cheaply, but only small humans who work carrying huge scales are naked.

Even after creating such a detailed and dramatic situation, the reason why the title has the name "Untitled," means that the artist created the world, but there is no correct answer to how to read it. And the meaning of the work can be seen as acknowledging the possibility that it can be read differently one day when each time and space changes because the viewer's self-reflection is powered by it.

Soldiers with guns and knives symbolize violent power and discipline, and those little humans carrying pipes are prone to collapse even within the community and know the milk, honey, and pain of labor.

April 24, 2024
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