Culturelamp: Lost in Garden

Critique & Review
PARK MIRAN, Culturelamp, 2024年12月29日
[Curatorial Essay] Machinery Garden: Reverse Composition
Metallic garden trees stand within the space. Singular yet replicated, these sculptures, born from their unique molds, serve as metaphors for mechanical civilization and symbols of mass production. KIM Byoungho’s machinery garden is cultivated using metallic modules, hinting at the foundational elements of sculpture. It explores geometric aesthetics that unfold within the orderly landscapes of civilized society.
A garden is a human-scaled cosmos that can be tamed. Just as an overgrown forest is pruned to create an artificial garden, the artist indulges in the sculptural values unique to mechanical civilization. What first catches the eye is the cluster of shimmering points of light, as radiant metal elliptical spheres reflecting surrounding light sources captivate the viewer. The gaze shifts from the overall panorama to microscopic structures—from the inflated spheres to the linear pillars supporting them, tracing the surface of raw metal. Among the dazzling scenery, lines and planes subtly recede behind the shadows of volume.