JING Shijian was born in Liaoning Province, China in 1960 and graduated from the department of oil painting of China Academy of Art. Currently lives and works in Hangzhou, China and works as professor and Vice Dean of the school of painting at China Academy of Art.
Recently he has held solo exhibitions including Fable, Shandong Art Museum, Shandong, China, 2018; Domestication, Dresden, Germany, 2014; Rowing a Boat, Zhangjiang Art Center, Shanghai, China, 2009; Geography of Art, The National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China, 2006; Roaming in the World, Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, China, 2006 and others. JING’s works have been collected by major art institutions such as National Museum of China (Beijing), The National Art Museum of China (Beijing), Shanghai Art Museum (Shanghai), Sichuan Fine Arts Institute (Chongqing), etc.
As the first generation of academic painting artists, JING Shijian’s artistic approach is based on the deep study of both oriental and west philosophy. He combines multi-dimensional visual languages and never stops to explore the possibilities in art. In the world he created, time is constant, space is overlapped, and reality and imagination coexist. The time and space in JING Shijian's paintings can be either folded or stretched, as well as endowed with the depth of philosophy.
女孩与苹果 | Girl and Apples, 2022
充盈 2 | Full No.2, 2020
绿 2 | Green No.2, 2020
苹果与女孩 | Apple and Girl, 2020
苹果与女孩(组)| Apple and Girl (set), 2020
摇曳的世界 | Swaying World, 2019
黑虫 | Cockroach, 2018-2020
Anthropomorphic Cat Silhouette, 2018
光环 | Halo, 2018
戏谑的风景 | Funny, 2018
星空, 2018
星空, 2018
理想的显现 No.1 | The Appearance of Ideality No.1, 2018
理想的显现 No.2 | The Appearance of Ideality No.2, 2018
理想的显现 No.3 | The Appearance of Ideality No.3, 2018
碳画系列-罂粟 01, 2018
碳画系列-罂粟 02, 2018
碳画系列-罂粟 03, 2018
蜗牛 | Snail, 2018
隐秘的自然 | Secret Nature, 2018
风景中的几何 | Geometric Landscape, 2018
在水一方 Across The Water, 2017-2021
达洛维夫人的彩盒 Ms. Dalloway's Colored Box , 2017-2021
亦书亦石 No. 1 | Both Stone and Book No. 1, 2017
亦书亦石 No. 2 | Both Stone and Book No. 2, 2017
亦书亦石 No. 3 | Both Stone and Book No. 3, 2017
亦书亦石 No. 4 | Both Stone and Book No. 4, 2017
望——风景的境遇 | Viewing, 2017
林中系列 No. 1 | Off the Beaten Track No. 1, 2017
林中系列 No. 2 | Off the Beaten Track No. 2, 2017
眺——风景的境遇 | Overlooking, 2017
远山近观 | Overlooking the Moutains, 2017
雁荡-飘移 | Flutter, 2017
雁荡·季节 | Season, 2017
雁荡-论道 | On Dao, 2016
戏谑的蛋 | Joking, 2015-2016
湖光山色 | A Landscape of Lakes and Mountains, 2015
远山 | Distant Mountains, 2013-2018
三个镜像 | Three Mirrors, 2013
有蜗牛的风景 | Landscape with Snail, 2013
朝霞 | Asaka, 2013
罂粟系列之如幻 | Like Dream, 2013
罂粟系列之如灯 | Like Lights, 2013
蓝色的湖 | Blue Lake, 2013
大硕图 | Foison, 2012
无极 | Infinite, 2012
无题 | Untitled, 2012
树(上)| Tree (one), 2012
树(下)| Tree (two), 2012
罂粟系列之三如娜 | Poppy, 2012
罂粟课稿 | Draft of Poppy, 2012
罂粟课稿 | Draft of Poppy, 2012
罂粟课稿 | Draft of Poppy, 2012
三个女人 | Three Women, 2010
意写潇湘八景之——亭石落雁 | The Wild Geese Coming Home, 2010
意写潇湘八景之——六和听潮 | Listen to the Sea, 2010
意写潇湘八景之——南屏晚钟 | Evening Bell at Nanping Hill, 2010
意写潇湘八景之——宝俶流霞 | The Pagoda in the Evening Glow, 2010
意写潇湘八景之——山市晴岚 | The Temple in the Mountain, 2010
意写潇湘八景之——林中夕照 | Afterglow in the Forest, 2010
意写潇湘八景之——灵隐归帆 | The Sailing Ship Returning Home, 2010
意写潇湘八景之——雨过天晴 | The Sun Shines Again After Rain, 2010
林中径 | Trail of the Foreast, 2010
湖山叠映 | Shadow in the Water, 2010
雁栖亭石 | The Resting Wild Goose, 2010
光环之圆 | Light, 2007
光环之晕 | Halo, 2007
湖山远望 | Overlooking the Lakes, 2005
石榴图 | Pomegranate, 2003
笑傲江湖 | Legend, 2003
[페어] 웨스트번더 아트 & 디자인 2022
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[전시] 징스지엔: 次9
22 September 2022중국 상해 Powerlong 미술관에서 작가 징스지엔의 개인전 《次9》이 9월 24일부터 개최됩니다. 작가가 제안한 전시 제목 중 '次'은 메타버스로 구상되는 새로운 세계를, 숫자 9는 '무한'을 의미하며,...Read more -
[페어] 웨스트 번드 아트 & 디자인 2021
12 November 2021아라리오갤러리는 11월 11일부터 14일까지 상해 웨스트 번드 아트센터에서 진행중인 West Bund Art & Design 페어에 참여합니다. Kohei NAWA 코헤이 나와 CHEN Yujun 천위쥔 LIANG Manqi...Read more -
[전시] 징스징엔: New West Lake
8 November 2020징스지엔 작가의 작품이 상해 오로라미술관에서 개최한 그룹전 'New West Lake'에서 전시 중입니다. 학자이자 작가인 징스지엔은 동서양의 철학을 기반으로 작품활동을 하고있습니다. 그가 만들어내는 새로운 세계에서는 시간이...Read more -
[전시] 징스지엔: 신비로운 호수
27 September 2020징스지엔 작가는 9월 20일 Guangda 미술관에서 개인전 “신비로운 호수”를 개최했습니다. 작가는 전통적인 회화 매체를 통해 현재 미술계가 겪고 있는 다양한 문제점들을 드러내고자 합니다. 인공지능과 새로운...Read more