CHEN Yujun is one of the most distinctive Chinese contemporary artists, whose works always use the emotion between individual and hometown as a link to explore the concept about family, identity and space in the context of immigrants from generation to generation. CHEN Yujun was born in Putian, Fujian province, China. In his hometown, many people immigrated to Southeast Asia. These "immigrants" constantly strive to adapt to the new cultural environment and balance the conflict between external influence and personal identity. His works convey visual narration with sociologically meaningful through the depiction and examination of specific individuals, showing the transformation of individual identity and internal transformation, and their impact on the whole country and contemporary culture. In addition, CHEN's works also attempt to provide a profound interpretation of people's self-awareness in the face of continuous changes in their surroundings and culture.
L'Étranger NO.250120 局外人 NO.250120, 2025
L'Étranger NO.24250216 局外人 NO.24250216, 2024-2025
L'Étranger NO.241226 局外人 NO.241226, 2024
海上花 NO.20220816, 2022
The First Scenery NO.20218126 第一道风景 NO.20218126, 2021
“临时建筑”手稿 | Drawing for the Installation "Temporary Building", 2020
“临时建筑”手稿 | Drawing for the Installation "Temporary Building", 2020
“临时建筑”手稿 | Drawing for the Installation "Temporary Building", 2020
“临时建筑”手稿 | Drawing for the Installation "Temporary Building", 2020
亚洲地图 No. 190611 | Asia Map No. 190611, 2019
亚洲地图—幻相 No.1 | Asia Map - Illusion No.1, 2019
摇摆的信仰 | Unstable Faith, 2019
11平方米的空间 | Space of 11 Square Meters, 2018-2019
错屋 No.18190619 | Wooden House No.18190619, 2018-2019
错屋 No.18190911 | Wooden House No.18190911, 2018-2019
Asia Map No. 180301, 2018
喜宴 No.4 | Wedding Banquet No.4, 2018
被延续的情景 No.180912 | The Scene Continued No.180912, 2018
502房间 No.171110 | Room 502 No.171110, 2017
被延续的情景 No.171005 | The Scene Continued No.171005, 2017
错屋 No.170528 | Wooden House No.170528, 2017
错屋 No.160318 | Wooden House No.160318, 2016
临时家庭 No.20150716 | Temporary Family No.20150716, 2015
相似物 No.150808 | Analogues No.150808, 2015
错屋 No.150725 | Wooden House No.150725, 2015
错屋 No.158015 | Wooden House No.158015, 2015
错屋 No.160118 | Wooden House No.160118, 2015
临时建筑 | Temporary Building, 2014-2020
仪式 | Rite, 2014
现场仪式-典礼 | Ritual - Ceremony , 2007-2019
现场仪式-中医 | Ritual - Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2007-2019
现场仪式-人机交互 | Ritual - Man-Machine Interaction, 2007-2019
现场仪式-历史的选择 Ritual - Choice of History, 2007-2019
现场仪式-山村孩子的未来 | Ritual - Future of Children from Mountain Village, 2007-2019
现场仪式-废墟中人们守望相助 | Ritual - People Helping Each Other in the Ruins, 2007-2019
现场仪式-愤怒的小鸟 Ritual - Angry Bird, 2007-2019
现场仪式-教育家 | Ritual - Educationist, 2007-2019
现场仪式-正面能量 | Ritual - Positive Energy, 2007-2019
被开发的自我-均衡 | Exploited Ego - Balance, 2007-2019
被开发的自我-奋斗 | Exploited Ego - Endeavor, 2007-2019
被开发的自我-幸福 | Exploited Ego - Happiness, 2007-2019
被开发的自我-构建 | Exploited Ego - Establishment, 2007-2019
每个自己 No.123hjidu | Each Single Self No.123hjidu, 2007
每个自己 No.2yxj876 | Each Single Self No.2yxj876, 2007
每个自己 No.5fjsloqii | Each Single Self No.5fjsloqii, 2007
每个自己 No.8klqw755 | Each Single Self No.8klqw755, 2007
每个自己 No.9hj7g85h | Each Single Self No.9hj7g85h, 2007
每个自己 No.hsnmi8712 | Each Single Self No.hsnmi8712, 2007
每个自己 No.sjd87009 | Each Single Self No.sjd87009, 2007
Fluid in Forms
Group Exhibition 19 March - 11 May 2025 Shanghai아라리오갤러리 상하이의 재개관전 《Fluid in Forms 虚实相》가 2025년 3월 19일(수)부터 5월 11일(일)까지 징안구 쑤저우 강변에 문을 연 새로운 공간에서 개최된다. 큐레이터 량칭(LIANG Qing)이 기획한 이번 전시는 한·중·일 작가 10인의 작품을...Read more -
25 May - 17 July 2021 Seoul -
Beyond the Sculpture: The Unrealized
A2 3 March - 30 April 2020 Shanghai -
천위쥔: 우리, 저마다의 이야기
9 January - 22 February 2020 Seoul -
베이징에 부는 바람
29 October 2019 - 10 May 2020 Cheonan -
아시아의 목소리
1 July - 27 August 2017 Shanghai -
천위준: The Wind Never Remembers, the House Cannot Forget
25 February - 31 March 2017 Shanghai
[페어] 웨스트번더 아트 & 디자인 2022
8 November 2022아라리오갤러리는 11월 10일부터 13일까지 중국 상해에서 진행되는 2022 웨스트번드 아트 & 디자인 페어에 참여합니다. 부스 A223번에서 아라리오 작가들의 신작 및 다양한 근작을 선보일 예정이니 많은...Read more -
[전시] 천위준: ARTHOUSER
29 June 2022중국 충칭 롱 뮤지엄에서 천위준 작가의 개인전 'ARTHOUSER'를 선보입니다. 총 12 챕터로 구성되는 이번 전시에서는 110여 점 이상의 회화, 콜라주, 설치 및 조각 작업이 소개됩니다....Read more -
[페어] 웨스트 번드 아트 & 디자인 2021
12 November 2021아라리오갤러리는 11월 11일부터 14일까지 상해 웨스트 번드 아트센터에서 진행중인 West Bund Art & Design 페어에 참여합니다. Kohei NAWA 코헤이 나와 CHEN Yujun 천위쥔 LIANG Manqi...Read more -
[전시] 천위쥔: Sheng Zhang
31 January 2021천위쥔 작가의 개인전 은 1월 31일부터 상해 롱 뮤지엄 웨스트 번드에서 오픈했습니다. 이번 전시는 작년 한 해 동안 코로나로 인해 예기치 못한 변화를 겪은 현대사회...Read more