[News] 지금 가장 주목해야 할 작가 10인 #1 | NEW DISCOVERY

The unfamiliar and surreal landscapes created by KANG Cheolgyu seem imbued with emotions like obsession, anxiety, and cynicism. He expresses incidents from daily life and his innermost feelings through symbolic icons, revealing his psychology through the characters in his work. Regarding the eerie atmosphere of his art, the artist explained, “When you visualize something intangible from within, strange forms inevitably emerge.” He continues, “I have always contemplated who I am and what is happening to me. That's just who I am. Thus, I continuously engage in ontological exploration and the task of representing it. I aim to depict the experiences and emotions I encounter in this world in a way that best expresses who I am.”
2024년 9월 6일
of 549