올해 2월까지 아라리오갤러리 서울에서 전시된 최병소 선생님의 개인전 <意味와 無意味 SENS ET NON-SENS: Works from 1974-2020> 리뷰가 아트포럼 5월호에 실렸습니다.
"Banal as newspaper may be, in the age of social media, disinformation, and fake news, one could not help but to feel a tinge of melancholy in the presence of this emblem of the bygone public sphere. This peculiar forlornness pervaded "意味와 無意味 SENS ET NON-SENS: Works from 1974-2020," which provided a glimpse into CHOI's extensive practice in drawing, photography, and installation over the span of his career." - Adela Kim, Artforum