[Exhibition] KWON Hayoun: XXth Attempt towards the Potential of Magic

KWON Hayoun participates in "MMCA Performing Arts 2021: Multiverse" at the Seoul Project Gallery, MMCA with "XXth Attempt towards the Potential of Magic". This new work aims to experiment with virtual reality through a participatory performance, which surveys the concept of borders and relationships between different worlds.

"Once considered an element of disconnect between VR and reality, the headset has been actively incorporated into the performance, which allows the audience to quickly adjust to its presence." - "VR Headset Transforms Audience into Work", Dong-A Ilbo

KWON Hayoun
MMCA Performing Arts 2021: Multiverse
MMCA Seoul Project Gallery
2021. 2. 12 - 3. 28

19 February 2021
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