[Exhibition] HWANG Gyutae: Jet Lag_Camera

HWANG Gyutae will particpate in "Jet Lag: Camera", a two-person exhibition at SPACE 55, which opens on 1 April.


"The exhibition, which introduces HWANG's "pixel" series ... explores the meaning of photography and the role of a camera by focusing on the artist's practice that occurs in the process of creating a photograph: the act of photographing, editing, and experimenting. HWANG's works, which deviate from the conventional and linear reproduction method of the image of subject-lens-camera-photographer, reveal the materiality of the particles (light, pixels) that make up the photograph, and the characteristics of the medium in an unprecedented manner." - Curator, Jinhyuk KIM


HWANG Gyutae
Jet Lag: Camera
2021. 4. 1 - 26

1 April 2021
of 549