[Exhibition] Nalini Malani: Vision in Motion

The pioneer of video art and experimental film, Nalini Malani's solo exhibition "Nalini Malani: Vision in Motion" is currently on view at M+, Hong Kong. This exhibition showcases the evolution of her practice over the past fifty years with her three major artworks "Utopia" (1969–1976), "Remembering Mad Meg" (2007–2019), and "Can You Hear Me?" (2018–2020). Brought up in India, the melting pot of diverse ethnic groups, languages and religions, she focuses on the trauma caused by endless conflicts between religions and ethnic groups. The history of constant disunion and chaos has been the solid basis of her works.


Link: https://www.mplus.org.hk/en/exhibitions/nalini-malani-vision-in-motion/


Nalini Malani 
Nalini Malani: Vision in Motion
M+, Hong Kong
2021. 12. 07 - 2022. 07. 31

14 December 2021
of 549