[Exhibition] WON Seoung Won: Beyond The Scene

"Enduring Elegance", a photo-collage work by WON Seoung Won, which was first presented during the artist’s solo exhibition at Arario Gallery, is on view at the 3rd BTS global interdisciplinary conference special exhibition "Beyond The Scene". While the word 'success' can mean different things for different people, there is a typical image of success that appears to be superficial. According to WON, this image resembles a colorful chandelier that attracts many people's attention, scattering light through "Enduring Elegance". The chandelier is not only an object of admiration but also the weight that tree has to endure continuously.



WON Seoung Won
Beyond The Scene
Total Museum
2022. 7. 1 - 7. 31

2 July 2022
of 549