[Exhibition] LEE Seung Ae: Becoming

"Becoming", the solo exhibition by LEE Seung Ae, is taking place at De Art Center (Beijing, China). The exhibition focused on the artist’s trademark drawing animations that explore the relationships between the drawn line, the imaginative transformation and the moving image.

The exhibition featured LEE’s iconic work, Becoming (2017), a 10 minute long animation, installed as a large scale projection that fills the entire wall of the exhibition space. The work represents moments of metamorphosis, where there is a continuous flux between different states, eventually transforming the familiar object into an alien form. The inappropriate and the unacceptable are constantly called into play, challenging our perceptions and understanding of the world.


360º VR Exhibition: https://www.artexb.com/pano-files/seungaelee001/

LEE Seung Ae
De Art Center, Beijing, China
2018. 7. 7 - 9. 28


7 July 2018
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