[Exhibition] DON Sunpil: Digital Art Festival Taipei

"Screen SADER" by DON Sunpil is on view at the 17th Digital Art Festival Taipei 2022. In 2005, a pirated figurine of the character was created somewhere in China, and at once drew the attention and affection of many Otaku’s around the world. Thanks to its bizarre and shocking appearance, not at all reminiscent of the original character, the figurine even took on a new name of “Sader” and established a very different identity for itself. Through the video work starting from the original figure "Saber", the artist observes the ambiguous boundaries between original and fake, and real and virtual.


DON Sunpil
Digital Art Festival Taipei (DAFT) 2022: Fake it Real
National Taiwan Science Education Center & Digital Art Center, Taipei
2022. 9. 30 - 10. 10

6 October 2022
of 549