[News] DON Sunpil's Studio

VISLA's new plan to look into the artist's various work environment, 'O.O.O.'s studio'. The first artist is Don Seon-pil. In the past, when the artist had a vague dream of art, he was an anonymous operator of B ½F (semi-basement) who rented a white-painted residential space to artists in a similar situation as a studio and art space at no cost to create a plausible portfolio, so it felt somewhat fateful that he was the first runner of the series.


In the short line of movement that the artist actually worked on, figures with ambiguous boundaries between decorations and materials were piled up like Tetris everywhere within sight. Perhaps that's why I confess that it was more cautious than I thought to skip the series of processes of getting to know the artist in an unfamiliar space for the first time and dig into the space first. Surrounded by a pile of figures that were both unfamiliar and familiar, I asked about the artist's thoughts, his studio, and the things around it.

Sep 25, 2023
of 539