[News] "Beyond 'KiaFrieze': Prominent Emerging Artists to Watch"

Young artists are also presenting impressive works, establishing their presence in a corner of the early autumn Frieze and Kiaf season. A representative example is artist LIM Nosik, who is holding a solo exhibition titled Where Shadows Linger at Space After in Yeonhui-dong, Gangbuk, Seoul, until the 13th. He demonstrates an attempt to paint the essence of the air that flows or lingers between himself and the objects he observes. The artist, who sensitively focuses his senses by adjusting his breath and gestures to capture the presence of the invisible substance of the atmosphere manifested through temperature and humidity, employs transparent colored pencils and transparent oil pastels repeatedly over his brushstrokes. In this way, he expresses the landscape or form of the air within his studio as vague and hazy images. His persistence in diligently exploring the pictorial elements and the reality of the landscape in his studio space over the years is particularly noteworthy.
September 5, 2024
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