GWON Osang: New Structure and Relief

Paperback 54 pages pages
Dimensions: 210 x 295 mm
KRW 15,000
This publication is a collection of a solo exhibition of GWON Osang, New Structure and Relief held at ARARIO GALLERY SEOUL from July 7 to August 21, 2016.
GWON’s solo exhibition New Structure and Relief presented a series of sculptures and an experimental exploration of new media. New Structure (2015) series appropriates Alexander Calder’s (1898-1976) Stabile, enlarging images of objects collected from everyday life, rendering them in a flat form, and then structuring them into three-dimensional compositions. Relief (2016) series selects images from the magazine “Wallpaper” and completes the works by spontaneously attaching masses, emphasizing both the natural grain of the wood and the structural and material characteristics of the medium. These two series reveal a new sculptural imagination through the artist’s desire to collect images and their unique, unconscious autonomous construction, effectively addressing fundamental questions and forms related to the medium of sculpture.
GWON Osang: New Structure and Relief
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